St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

Breakfast and After School Club

Breakfast Club - Children in Reception up to Year 6

We run a breakfast club every morning from 7:30am which costs £5.00 per child per day. Children have a range of food to choose from including cereals, fresh fruit and toasted bread goods (crumpets, bread, bagels etc).   

Children can be dropped off at the club, which is in the school hall using the school car park from 7.30am. 

At 8.45am children in KS2 walk to their classrooms and children in KS1 are taken to their classes. 

After School Club - Children in Reception up to Year 6

After school club runs every day during term time from 3:15 - 6pm and costs £12.00 per session which includes a light snack, fruit and a drink. Please see the Policy below for more information and details about how to book a place.

Children are collected from their classrooms and meet together for registration.  

A choice of activities are available for children including outside play, daily craft activity, games, puzzles and construction toys. 

Children have a tea at around 4.30pm which consists of sandwiches, fruit, small cakes and a drink or milk or water. Food is prepared in our school kitchen using fresh produce whenever possible. 

Children can be collected from the After School Club from the school hall door which is accessed from the school car park.  



Breakfast and After School Club sessions need to be booked in advance.  This can be done using ParentPay.  You need to make bookings 4 days in advance of the session required.  If short notice sessions are needed then please contact the School Office.  

Childcare Vouchers

We accept childcare vouchers for our wrap around sessions.  Please contact the School Office if you wish to pay using vouchers so we can facilitate this with you. 

Click here to access Parentpay site.

Wrap around Policy 2020-21