St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

Nursery Wrap Around Care 2024-2025

Wrap around care for children in our Nursery Classes is different to the rest of the school.  It allows us to meet the needs of the smaller children in our school family better and in a more intimate and bespoke way.  

Early Birds Club

Our Early Birds Club runs from 7.30am until 8.30am in the small school hall of the Lower School.  Children can arrive at anytime after 7.30am.   They will be offered breakfast, a choice of breakfast cereals, toast, milk, and fruit.  Children will also be able to play with other children in the club. 

Children can be dropped off at the Studio door, access through the gate to the side of the building

Owls Club

Owls club runs from 3pm - 6pm each day.  Children are provided with a meal when they are at the club and are able to play until they are collected.  Collection can be any time from 3pm but must be before 6pm.  Children can be collected off at the Studio door, access through the gate to the side of the building

How to make bookings:

Sessions for Early Birds and Owls Club can be booked on PARENT ZONE.  Log in to your account and request a session.  Wait for your session to be approved (we just check we have capacity) then your child is all set to attend!